
Git and GitHub - 101
Git and GitHub - 101


  • git is a program / a binary
  • Initial creator - Linus Torvalds
  • Development
    • Sunday 3rd April 2005
    • Self-hosted Thursday 7th April 2005
  • Distributed version control system
Git and GitHub - 101


  • Collaboration space - host for git controlled files
  • Added features such as
    • Issue tracking, projects, pull requests, comments, reviews etc
  • Aquired by Microsoft for 7.5B USD in 2018
  • Defacto place where open source repositories are stored
Git and GitHub - 101

Language of Git / GitHub

  • Repository - a catalogue of files and folders
  • Clone - Clone a repository to local device
  • Pull ⬇ - pull latest files from repository to your local device
  • Push️ ️️️⬆️ - pushing local changes to repository
  • Merge ⛙ - merge changes from one branch to another
Git and GitHub - 101

Git branch - example

Git and GitHub - 101
Git and GitHub - 101


Git and GitHub - 101