Always ready to code!

CDE - Cloud Development Environment

Treat your infrastructure
as cattle 🐮, not pets 🦮

CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces

Learning objectives 👩🏽‍🏫

  • 👨🏼‍💻 Awaken curiousity for a better way of maintaining dev environments
  • 😈 Provoke us to transform 🧙🏼‍♂️ our pets 🦮 to cattles 🐮
  • 👩🏽‍💻 Demo CDE - ready to code from zero to fully operative
  • 🤩 Inspire to explore
    • Developer eXperince / Cloud Development Environment
CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces

I think the shift to the cloud will happen at such a rapid rate, that in a few years, I predict there will be no more source code on your computers.

Thomas Dohmke (2022), CEO GitHub

CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces

DevX - Developer eXperience

Developer experience refers to how easy or difficult it is for a developer to perform essential tasks needed to implement a change.

A positive developer experience would mean these tasks are relatively easy for the team.

CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces

Cloud happened

  • Virtual Machines - gained momentum late 90-ties
  • Transformation to Cloud computing - (AWS 2006)
  • Containerisation - Docker / Kubernetes - (2014)
  • Ephemeral (kortvarig) workspaces or CDEs - Now!
CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces

What is CDE

Cloud development environments are on-demand and pre-configured with all tools, libraries and dependencies required to be ready-to-code.

CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces

Cloud Development Enivronments - principles

  • Ephemeral (kortvarig) over long lived
    • A fresh disposable environment for every task
  • Reproducible over cobbled together
    • Consistently replicable without manual intervention
  • Effortless over arduous (vanskelig)
    • With minimal friction and difficulty
CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces


From :

Select project, check dependencies, checkout branch, view readme.txt, install tools, run build, run test, start coding.

CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces


To :

Select project,
check dependencies, checkout branch, view readme.txt, install tools, run build, run test,
start coding.

CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces

CDE - Cloud Development Environment

"Pod's = containers" hosted on a Kubernetes environment

CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces


CDE (Cloud Development Environment) / Ephemeral workspaces